Dark Reading named top influencer for Chief Information Security Officers in the USNew report from Apollo Research names Dark Reading #1 influencer overall and among tech news sourcesNov 4, 2016 SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 4, 2016 /PRNewswire/ -- UBM's Dark Reading, connecting the information security community, was named the top overall influencer and technology news source in Apollo Research's just released 'US CISO Influencer Report 2016'. In the report, Apollo Research reveals the 300 people, media and organizations that 1,851 chief information security officers (CISOs) in the United States rely on for news, information and insight. The data collected was based on Twitter engagement. "The aptly named Dark Reading is a one-stop smorgasbord of information, data, statistics and updates for the CISO and takes the lead with 24.1% of the reach," according to the report. "The site has everything from analytics to attacks to career opportunities and events. In addition to having some high-level writers and insight, the publication hosts its own Cyber Security Summit and is a part of [UBM's Technology Group]." "Dark Reading has spent the last 10 years building a comprehensive site that gives security professionals all the news and information they need to do their jobs," said Tim Wilson, co-founder and editor-in-chief of Dark Reading. "We're excited about the Apollo Research findings because they indicate that we have achieved that goal." Key findings from the US CISO Influencer Report 2016 include:
UBM's online information security community, Dark Reading, offers technology marketers a trusted platform to launch and sustain marketing efforts that will reach CISOs. Whether the goal is to build brand recognition, educate prospects, drive traffic or generate leads, partnering with Dark Reading offers an integrated approach to engage future buyers of technology products and services. To learn more about UBM's online security community that is influencing US CISOs, please visit: createyournextcustomer.com/brands/dark-reading/ Dark Reading Contact: Monique Luttrell, 415-947-6088, monique.luttrell@ubm.com Logo - http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20160122/325137LOGO
SOURCE UBM Americas |